Sunday, May 30, 2010

Millionizer Seven Day Trial

Get your prospects to avail of the ‘MILLIONIZER’ free 7 day trial

The MX1 and MX7 programs contain a free trial of the ‘MILLIONIZER’ daily video program on their websites. So if you are having any difficulty getting your prospects to join because of the financial hurt of the US$7 one-time cost for MX1 or the US$30 monthly subscription for MX7 then first have your prospects avail of the 7 day trial.

Once they have seen the professional quality of the videos and experienced the seamless digital product delivery, the credibility of the MX1 and MX7 programs will be greatly enhanced… and the greater the credibility, the higher the probability of any one prospect joining your network.

The above image (shown reduced size) taken from the MX1 and MX7 websites shows that signing up for the free trial is an easy one-step process: just have your prospect enter their name and email (or you can do this for them) and BINGO they are already signed up! They will receive the first ‘MILLIONIZER’ to their email within seconds.

An email from one of our members…

Graham Twist

Hello James,

I’ve noticed that you have been offering members help in building their MX downlines by referring them to other members’ resources.

I also have a very valuable resource that has grown organically over the last few months, and is now up and running as a free membership site.

Called the Grahamsway Prosperity Group, it encourages people to market themselves, not the individual programs.

Also, and very importantly, it encourages members to build multiple streams of income just as you teach and recommend.

Our group is also a hedge against any program failure because individual members will still have their downline in place, so a failed program can be easily replaced.

And finally, the Grahamsway Prosperity Group website is designed to also be an introduction site. The way this works is that we recommend that people only direct known contacts that they can follow up with to the site, asking them to simply read the first 4 pages, and then to follow up with them at a pre-arranged time.

(This method is based on Dan Failla’s book The 45 SECOND PRESENTATION, and has been used successfully for over 30 years).

I must point out that existing MX members are encouraged to use their existing MX accounts because there is nothing to be gained in them re-joining.

The link to my pages of the Grahamsway Prosperity Group is:

Take care,

Graham Twist --- MX1-MX3-MX7 Member.

Power Networking Module #21

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #21

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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Friday, May 21, 2010

MX7 Power Books Trilogy


We are fortunate at MX1-MX3-MX7 to have such super empowering BOOKS

Last week, I shared with you the benefits of the live webinars that I host on a regular basis. Well, another of the benefits of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs is the fact that our founder --- yours truly --- has authored a series of books especially customized for our members.

These are the MX7 POWER series and consist of three power-packed tomes that are sure to have you and your prospects jumping with excitement as you begin to comprehend the sheer awesomeness of our programs.

At MX1-MX3-MX7 we are quite unique among start-up online network marketing companies in that we have our own empowering materials created in-house to help you be more highly energized and well trained for building a strong global business for yourself that can create a substantial residual income for you month after month after month and year after year after year.

These three books are written to get your juices flowing and expand your knowledge of the network marketing training arena.

The first is THE POWER OF MX7 and it is available for download in easy-to-read PDF format by clicking the link below. This is the most personally empowering of these three books and will have you jumping out of bed in the mornings with a huge smile on your face and with gusto in your daily actions --- all day long:

The Power Of MX7

Next is MX7 POWER TRAINING which is intended for only those members who desire to achieve awesome success, only those people who want the very best of what life has to offer, only those individuals who yearn for financial ‘independence’ as opposed to being financially ‘dependent’ on a job, and only those members who crave a vastly superior quality of life for themselves and their loved ones.

Is this YOU?

If not, and you don’t want to positively transform your life and significantly improve your circumstances, then your choice is simple: put these books aside and never bother to read them. It is only through learning new skills and strategies that we will grow into successful individuals and only by applying proven success principles that we can build our lives into shining examples of glorious triumph.

To download MX7 POWER TRAINING in easy-to-read PDF format, click this link:

MX7 Power Training

My advice to you, if you do want to live the life of your dreams, is to not only read these MX7 POWER success system books but inhale them and digest their empowering messages so that you can attain all you seek in terms of financial riches, material pleasures, time freedom, peace of mind and a multitude of other blessings through the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs. The possibilities before you now are endless, so make the most of this chance you have.

The third book is MX7 PROFESSIONAL NETWORK MARKETING LEADERSHIP WORKBOOK and it is available for download in easy-to-read PDF format by clicking the link below:

MX7 Network
Leadership Workbook

Through this workbook you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry of which MX1-MX3-MX7 are a part, what we will term LEVERAGE MARKETING. You will appreciate the tremendous power of RESIDUAL income and how this is entirely different to the usual source of earnings for most people, which is LINEAR income.

Coupled with this, you will gain an insight into the EXPONENTIAL growth which is a natural part of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs and learn how this is the #1 factor that drives the success of this industry.

This workbook brings to you a number of principles that you will be familiar with and some that are new to you. Let it be stated, however, that when woven together they create a powerful Success System that you can use as your guide as you advance toward the attainment of your chief aims.

A wise man once stated: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Let this workbook be a potent tool for you as you venture forth on your own journey step-by-step and hand-in-hand with the leading entrepreneurs of MX1-MX3-MX7.

Within these three books, you possess all the knowledge necessary to win big-time within our programs. All that remains is for you to have the guts to TAKE ACTION NOW and digest our empowering philosophy.

God speed as you progress toward building successful MX1-MX3-MX7 enterprises of your own. Hold fast to this maxim as your guiding light: “If it is to be . . . it is up to me!” and then take enthusiastic action-steps and make it happen for you.

Power Networking Module #20

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #20

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Super Empowering MX Webinars


We are fortunate at MX1-MX3-MX7 to have such super empowering webinars

One of the benefits of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs is the regular live webinars hosted by yours truly in my most inspiring manner. Presently we have three types of webinar which are usually each conducted two or three times per month.

We have the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too as it delves into all aspects of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs.

Then we have the MX7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY webinar which gives a most thorough overview of the MX7 program. This is the most important one for you to invite your prospects for them to learn firsthand just how exceptional is the MX7 program.

And last but certainly not least is the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. Recently I discussed the power within the following three empowering DAILY AFFIRMATIONS and how they can dramatically transform your life in a positive way if you will state them with real gusto in an open and receptive manner --- which is with arms outstretched and outdoors with its clear reception to the heavens:

Affirmation #1

I am so happy and grateful

that money comes to me now

in ever increasing quantities

from multiple sources

on a continuous basis.

Affirmation #2

I am financially blessed.

An abundance of lovely money

is mine to enjoy now.

Rivers of prosperity now flow

to my MX7 business

generating a huge profit

and flooding me with lovely money

and infinite riches.

Affirmation #3

This day is blessed . . .

I am blessed . . .

we all are blessed!

Thank you for the blessings in my life!

Something wonderful happens to me every day . . .

I attract miracles into my life every day . . .

I am successful every day!

I am a money magnet . . .

I love money and money loves me . . .

lovely money manifests for me twenty-four hours every day!

I am healthy, strong and full of energy . . .

I am supremely fit and fabulously healthy . . .

I am happy, I am healthy, I am wealthy!

The wealth of the universe is circulating in my life . . .

this universal wealth flows to me

in avalanches of abundance . . .

immediately manifesting all of my life’s desires!

These live webinars are all conducted for YOUR benefit. The current webinar schedule is at the end of this newsletter and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Cancelled MX7 subscriptions can still be renewed

Great news! If you have cancelled your MX7 subscription, then within 30 days you have a change of heart and wish to renew your subscription, there is an “UPGRADE” link that appears in your back office. Clicking on this link leads you to AlertPay from where your subscription can be renewed with the easy click of a button --- but it must be done within 30 days of the cancellation or your account will be permanently closed.

New “MX7 SOULTION” to recruiting from one of our Charter Members

Peter Shanks, one of our leading Charter Members, has developed a system for helping people become super successful in the MX7 program. His system simplifies the recruiting process and takes away the pain of talking with prospects.

If you are interested in learning more about this ingenious system, email to Peter:

Build your own MX splash page--- here’s how

From one of our MX1-MX3-MX7 members who thinks our webinars are very empowering. This is a nifty idea to consolidate his three MX websites into one interactive splash page:

Hello James,

It was a very empowering seminar this evening. Thank you.

Here is a site where one can consolidate all of their MX1, MX3, MX7 sites into one:

Perhaps some MX7 members might be interested. To build a MX site of their own they could go to this site to sign up:

Marcus Paul Gaston.

Power Networking Module #19

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #19

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinar

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day!

As my gift to all the mothers in MX1-MX3-MX7 please accept this ANNIVERSARY INSPIRATIONS book. Click on the link below to download it now:

Anniversary Inspirations

If you are not a mother, please download this book and email it to any mothers that you know, whether your own mother, a wife or a friend’s mother.

This book is just one of the many resources available for members of MX7 in the MILLIONAIRE CENTER of their back office.

Say yes to success!

Happy One Month Birthday


MX1-MX3-MX7 are all one month old today!

The MX1-MX3-MX7 programs all pre-launched on April 8 --- so we are now officially one month old. The great news is that ALL SYSTEMS OF ALL THREE PROGRAMS ARE WORKING PERFECTLY so you may promote these three powerhouse programs with full confidence and start earning a substantial residual monthly income --- TNT!

Charter Members Pool & MX3 Re-Fund Pool Paid

The April 2010 Charter Members Pool and the March-April 2010 MX3 Re-Fund Pool were both paid during this previous week. Please check your AlertPay accounts for payment verification. Though the payments could be considered somewhat insignificant, we still have a long, long, long time to go on our ten year journey to success with the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs.

Online marketing and promotion

These links are from one of our Charter Members, Marcus Paul Gaston, who wanted me to share it with you all to give you ideas on how best to market the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs via cyberspace.

Hello James,

Excellent Q&A webinar this evening. Here is a follow up to your question of where I get hits to my MX1, MX3 and MX7 sites from.

First I use Clixsense:

I also use SuccessQuik:

And ResidualQuik:

Also a few traffic exchanges such as:

There are many more, but I think you get the idea. The more members that use these types of marketing, the more we can saturate the market and thus get ever improving results!


Marcus Paul Gaston

Power Networking Module #18

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #18

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hello Springtime


“Why did MX7 change their compensation plan?”

The above is a question that was asked of me this week by one of our former members. Here is my answer, which may be beneficial to you if your former members or prospects ask you the same question:

The answer is that when we launched the "7 pay plans" model of MX7 on February 1st, we quickly ascertained that the manual logistics of handling seven pay plans would eventually cause this business to collapse once we hit the 7th month and beyond. Rather than risk that, we chose what we believed to be the one most advantageous plan for our members and re-launched that as a "modified 2-UP pay plan" on February 20th. Unfortunately the software operating system did not function correctly so we had to close that plan down. I then consulted with 45 of the senior members of MX7 to ask their opinion on the best alternative pay plan which would also be highly advantageous to the MX7 members and would have flawless O/S software. The result of that intense period of discussions is the birth of the new MX1 and MX3 and MX7 programs. MX1 and MX3 with their respective USD7 and USD3 one-time entry fees with super high-value products are what we term "feeder programs" for the more lucrative MX7 program with its USD30/month recurring subscription which allows for substantial monthly residual earnings for our members. Now MX1 and MX3 and MX7 have been launched since April 8 and all software systems are working perfectly and should now continue to do so month after month and year after year, so our members can now build their MX1 and MX3 and MX7 businesses with complete confidence.

For those members who aspire to be leaders with all three of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs, BetterNetworker is a fabulous resource. They typically send out two or three newsletters per week but each is chock-a-block full of powerful, informative articles and videos to help ordinary networkers become extraordinary. Check out their website and signup for their newsletters at the URL below:

The Global Information Network

The program detailed at the link below is from one of our senior Charter Members, Connie Sloneker, who wanted me to share it with you all. This is what it says on their website, which seems aligned with the ‘Empowered Millionaire Philosophy’ that I espouse with the MX programs:

The Global Information Network (GIN) is a private exclusive member-only global association of individuals dedicated to achieving:

· Financial independence

· Wealth creation

· Dynamic health

· Emotional well-being

GIN is a global group of like minded highly influential, affluent, and freedom-orientated people from various business, social and economic sectors. The goal of GIN is to provide a safe haven where members can build mutually beneficial long-term relationships to help one another better achieve each of their goals, desires and dreams. The belief is that this rare and unique ability to associate with people from around the world allows each member special advantages that they would not have as isolated individuals.

Visit their website for further details or email to Connie Sloneker at this address. Connie’s husband just recently passed away so I am also doing this favor for her of introducing GIN to our members as this is a trying time for her as she grieves her husband:

Power Networking Module #17

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #17

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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