Thursday, October 29, 2009

MX3 Leaders Think Global

MX3 is partnered with AlertPay. This is a huge positive benefit that will only get more powerful with time. With AlertPay our members can have people in their network pay for the MVP2010 product from all corners of the world, and these same people can earn their commissions from all corners of the world.

Let's take India, for example. Presently there are 81 million people in India with internet connection. This is India's burgeoning middle class. However this is just the tip of the ice-berg. The people of India are crazy for self-improvement materials and they are gung-ho for improving their English language skills --- and we have MVP2010 which is a perfect match for what they want. Four years ago I conducted a seminar in New Delhi for a network marketing company and I can testify that the Indian people are amazingly passionate for improving all facets of their lives. And now I have two of my books published in India and that will give us extra credibility there:

Here's the most amazing fact about India and the huge potential for you with building your MX1 and MX3 business there…

India's "Asian Tiger" neighbors of Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong all average between 65% to 77% of their populations with internet connections. India, during the next decade, will follow their trend with a higher and higher percentage of their population becoming regular internet users. However, at present, can you believe that India's 81 million internet users account for just SEVEN PERCENT (7%) of their almost 1.2 billion population? This means that during the next decade or so, India could well have 500 million people connecting to the internet for the first time. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE POTENTIAL MEMBERS FOR YOUR MX1 AND MX3 BUSINESS.

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