Monday, November 16, 2009

And The MX1-MX3 Raffle Prize Winner Is…

James here, writing from Mesa, Arizona. Wow, in the last week or so I have been to Philippines, Malaysia, India, England, Canada and now USA. Then this Thursday I fly to Philippines. Round the world in 17 days.

Just nine of our MX3 earners qualified for the November 15th raffle draw to win a Charter Membership share. Eve Dumas and I conducted the raffle draw live on a webinar on Sunday afternoon. One super fortunate person from this elite group of nine walked away with the Charter Membership grand prize. This is the list of qualifiers:

>>> Ed Mallory
>>> Elijah Brown
>>> Jennie Menn
>>> High Tide
>>> Linda Martin
>>> Manuel Mike Gaitan
>>> Peter Shanks
>>> Shirley MacLeod
>>> Suzanna Dreyer

And the winner was Elijah Brown. So congratulations to Elijah and he will now receive his Charter Membership share .

Talking of Charter Memberships, we now have just 17 shares remaining. If you'd like one or more of these remaining shares please just advise me. I am even flexible with payment terms, so just ask away if you want one but need help with paying for it.

MX3 November Promo:
Win Another Charter Membership Share

NOVEMBER PROMO: We now only have 17 shares remaining unsold out of 100 shares but we will give one Charter Membership share to the Qualified Distributor during the entire month of November who personally sponsors the most Qualified Distributors during this month between November 1 to November 30. Please tell your group members and your prospects of this exciting offer. The competition leader today --- at November 14 --- has only personally sponsored TWO Qualified Distributors. So at this stage with half a month still to go, anyone could win this valuable prize potentially worth tens of thousands of dollars a month in residual income these next ten years.

For more information, go to the CHARTER MEMBERSHIPS FOR SALE link in the News portion of the top menu of the MX3 website.


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