Monday, June 7, 2010

Global Expansion Here We Come


MX7 Philippines coming soon

The best thing about the MX1 and MX3 and MX7 programs is the fact that ALL SYSTEMS ARE WORKING PERFECTLY. So this can give us great confidence that we can build these three businesses into global powerhouses during this decade.

However, at the same time, to make us hugely profitable and to grow our business enterprises to our magical year 2020 target of ONE MILLION HAPPY SUBSCRIBERS with MX7, we need to expand our operations into expanding niche markets.

The first of these niche markets is the country of the Philippines. I have called this wonderful land of coconut trees and tropical breezes my home for much of the past 15 years. The fact that around 100,000 of my books have been sold here during the past decade helps with my name recognition and will prove beneficial for getting people into our first diversified MX7 business --- MX7 Philippines.

MX7 Philippines will launch around the middle of July and is a streamlined version of our regular global MX7 business. However it only has ONE product --- just the daily MILLIONIZER --- and it will operate strictly in local currency only, which is the Philippine Peso. Members of our regular global MX7 business will not be encouraged or even allowed to join MX7 Philippines unless they live in the Philippines. This is a niche business for the Filipino people only.

The cost of entry into MX7 Philippines will be P700 which is around fifteen US dollars. But this lower cost of entry, allied with the streamlined pay plan and just the solitary product will allow us to gain a massive following in this country.

The Charter Members of MX1 and MX3 and MX7 will especially benefit as they will still receive their share of each and every monthly subscription of MX7 Philippines. Our goal is 10,000 happy monthly subscribers by the end of this year, and we believe that we can hit or exceed this target. And by the end of 2011, it is entirely feasible that MX7 Philippines could well have 100,000 monthly members.

Then, during 2011, it is also my intent to set up (or license) the MX7 business model in Malaysia and India as our next niche markets. These two countries, where the population for the most part reads and speaks English, are crying out for self-help programs and personal empowerment materials. Together with the Philippines, this should see us well on our way to a quarter or half million monthly members within the next few years.

In addition to all of that, especially for the global MX7 business, I still intend having the website and MILLIONIZER product translated into multiple languages these next few years, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Korean, Chinese. All of this is designed to make it easier and easier for YOU the regular members, to earn a substantial income with us these next few years.

So, if you are not yet a Charter Member and you would like to share in this income pie until the year 2020, well today is your lucky day.

3 possible Charter Memberships for sale

Three of our existing Charter Members are extremely tardy in paying for their shares and keeping up with their payments. All three of these people have been sent strong emails from me (5 days ago) asking what is their intent and offering to re-pay what small amounts they have so far paid toward their shares. So far none have responded. This means that on June 7 these three shares could become available.

As before, these shares will sell for US$1,000 each to the first people to contact me. But the maximum terms I will give is almost 2 months, until the end of July, to pay for these shares. If you cannot pay the full amount by the end of July please don’t contact me as you’ll just be wasting both our time. The income share is identical as always with 1/100 of 10% of the gross revenue from all the MX1 and MX3 and MX7 enterprises combined worldwide until January 2020.

Though the monthly subscription for MX7 Philippines and MX7 India and MX7 Malaysia will be around half that of the MX7 global business, one Charter Membership share would still earn around US$15,000 per month on one million members in those three countries. That’s staggering indeed. Plus with all systems working flawlessly, and with all the MX1 and MX3 and MX7 enterprises going from strength to strength, our global expansion will become easier and easier and easier as time goes by.

Powerful testimonial from a member…Elijah Brown

This rousing endorsement of the MX1 and MX3 and MX7 programs is from Elijah Brown, once of our more active members:

Hello James, Elijah here. Just thought I write to let you know everything is still going great.

I am very proud to be a part of the MX family, for me James the MX programs is my ministry. Myself being a former pastor, I know this program is a God send and lots of people are going to be financially liberated.

Our whole program is based on biblical principles, when applied will give a person the results they desire. You are providing some of the most powerful resource on the planet.

Most people can't really understand the bible to the point to get the results that God intended but our program helps with that.

James MX1, MX3 and MX7 will be around for a very long time. I pray for you, our business and the entire staff everyday, because this program will help lots of people the more they begin to realize what it is we really have in our hands.

Amen to that! And thank you, Elijah, for those powerful words. Now let’s all rock and roll to super success with the MX1 and MX3 and MX7 programs.

An email from one of our members…Ann Heggie

(Ann with me at Heathrow Airport, London, November 2009)

Hi James,

I've been busy with these two entities which you might like to have a look at, let me know what you think & please spread the word for me.



BusinessGiantsNetwork is launching today and is also a Facebook business site.

Have a great summer.

Take care,

Ann --- --- MX1-MX3-MX7 Charter Member.

Power Networking Module #22

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #22

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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