Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Power Affirmations


Power Affirmations

Last Tuesday on the ultra-splendiferous MX1-MX3-MX7 Empowerment Coaching live webinar, I had the participants repeat these ‘POWER AFFIRMATIONS’ a number of times --- and how empowered these people were!

I highly recommend that you copy & paste these four affirmations into Word documents and then change them as you desire to make them more personalized for you and your circumstances. For example, perhaps you can slant them more towards health and fitness rather than money and prosperity, if you choose.

Power Affirmation #1

I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me now in ever increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis.

Power Affirmation #2

I am financially blessed. An abundance of lovely money is mine to enjoy now. Rivers of prosperity now flow to my MX7 business generating a huge profit and flooding me with lovely money and infinite riches.

Power Affirmation #3

This day is blessed . . .
I am blessed . . .
we all are blessed!
Thank you for the blessings in my life!

Something wonderful happens to me every day . . .
I attract miracles into my life every day . . .
I am successful every day!

I am a money magnet . . .
I love money and money loves me . . .
lovely money manifests for me twenty-four hours every day!

I am healthy, strong and full of energy . . .
I am supremely fit and fabulously healthy . . .
I am happy, I am healthy, I am wealthy!

The wealth of the universe is circulating in my life . . .
this universal wealth flows to me
in avalanches of abundance . . .
immediately manifesting all of my life’s desires!

Power Affirmation #4

All that I desire for my life can be manifested
through the creative energy of my mind.

This is my birthright, part of the incredible gift of life
from infinite intelligence, part of my unlimited
personal power and positive potential.

My infinite life force, which represents love, life,
light, health, wealth and happiness, is now radiating in
peace and harmony, bringing blessings to everyone.

I have a deep understanding of my personal power
and take responsibility for selecting and
directing my own destiny.

As I radiate my empowering life force, I imagine
a new way of life opening up and filling me
with vigor, vitality and energy.

I feel radiantly alive.

I picture my new life exactly as I want it to be.

It is here now and I savor it all.

I let go of the old and live in the new.

I welcome every new day, for each one is scintillating
and filled with abundant opportunities for fulfillment.

Life is love, life is fun, life is exciting, life is happiness,
life is wealth, life is joy, life is wellness, life is prosperity,
life is wisdom, life is passion, life is desire, life is hope,
and life is magnificent.

This is precisely as I design my life to be.
For every day in every way I choose to live my life
to the maximum with dignity, with integrity and
with noble purpose --- so be it.

Webinars starting in Philippines on September 1st

Our first ever live webinar for the MX7 Express (Philippines) business is coming on Wednesday September 1. It will be conducted by me at 2pm Philippines time, which is after midnight in most parts of USA and 11pm on the Pacific coast. If you would like to take a closer look at this exciting new business please join us at this webinar.

Wednesday September 1 at 2pm (Philippines)

Reserve your online webinar seat now

Power Networking Module #34

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #34

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module… and always remember to actually read it! There are 76 of these modules in this series… and all are available for instant download in the ‘Power Library’ of the ‘Millionaire Center’ of the back office of MX7 members.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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