Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Firefox versus Internet Explorer


Which internet browser do you use?

The programmers who developed the MX7 Express system from scratch say that all parts of this new system work best in the Mozilla Firefox browser not Internet Explorer.

If you don’t already have Mozilla Firefox installed on your computer, it is free to download from this link:


There are many internet browsers to choose from these days. Here is a list of the most popular ones and their present approximate market share as of September 2010:

> Internet Explorer --- 50%

> Mozilla Firefox --- 30%

> Google Chrome --- 11%

> Safari --- 5%

> Opera --- 2%

> All others --- 2%

Click this link to take a closer look at the MX7 Express program which is really gathering momentum now with around 3,000 free members and 300 paid members during October so far:


Power Networking Module #41

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #41

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module… and always remember to actually read it! There are 76 of these modules in this series… and all are available for instant download in the ‘Power Library’ of the ‘Millionaire Center’ of the back office of MX7 members.

Say yes to success!

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