Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Responding Positively


Don’t be a monkey!
Train yourself to RESPOND in a
positive way whenever one of
life’s little hiccups comes along.

was just sitting here at my computer thinking of what to write for the latest MILLIONIZER when I accidentally spilt a bowl of peanuts and raisins all over my lap and the surrounding floor!

Peanuts and raisins everywhere!

Who would have thought one could get so many peanuts in a single bowl.

And why is it they seem so many when on the floor and so few when in the bowl?

Here’s an important question for you:

What would YOUR reaction have been?

Would you have screamed an expletive and cursed the day you were born? And acted like a monkey!

Before you laugh too loud, that is the REACTION of many, many people to the most trivial of life’s challenges.

But I have trained myself to RESPOND in a positive way whenever one of life’s little hiccups comes along.

Instead of getting upset in any manner of possible ways, I smiled and said these exact words quietly to myself:

Hallelujah! Thank you, God, for the abundance of peanuts and raisins in my life. And thank you for giving me the ability to clean them up.

Then I smiled again as I cleaned the mess I’d made. It only took five minutes and I was happily typing again.

I Respond Positively Every Time!

Click the link above to see the resulting MILLIONIZER for which the video is pretty darned hilarious if you’ll think of all the times you have done something rather silly and over-reacted, like a monkey!

MX7 Express (Philippines) has its

global launch on October 10th

The MX7 Express program has its official launch on the tenth day of October. This online home business links three giant industries into one powerhouse program:

social network + network marketing + personal development = MX7 Express

Now you have the chance to work with a future giant at its inception. MX7 Express has a billion dollar idea, kind of like Facebook combined with Amway plus powerful self-help materials --- this is social networking and network marketing and personal development all in one!

MX7 Express may not become as big as Facebook, but it has all the ingredients to make it a major global success. MX7 Express has the potential to become the Facebook of network marketing. So if you desire true success a few years from now, then work with us to conquer the world with our very own billion dollar idea.

To speed the growth of MX7 Express, people can join from any of almost 200 countries worldwide --- at less than twenty dollars a month for one account. Though the product range is not as comprehensive as the MX7 Global program (with only one product per account, the daily ‘Millionizer’ for example), the BINARY compensation plan makes this an extremely attractive business proposition.

Try to attend our MX7 Express global launch live webinar being conducted at 10pm (EDT) on Saturday October 9, which is twelve hours later in the Philippines time zone:

Sunday October 10 at 10am (Philippines)

Reserve your online webinar seat with James

Initial membership is FREE! So to get an overview of this Facebook-style program and see for yourself how it operates and to get in ahead of the masses and secure your account position near the head of the binary matrix, click this link now:


Power Networking Module #39

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #39

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module… and always remember to actually read it! There are 76 of these modules in this series… and all are available for instant download in the ‘Power Library’ of the ‘Millionaire Center’ of the back office of MX7 members.

Come Join Our Inspiring
Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of each of the MX1-MX3-MX7 websites.

Say yes to success!

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