Thursday, February 4, 2010

After a week like this, I need a drink!


Wow… what an incredible week these past seven days have been. First the very personal attack on my moral character by one of our former leaders and their direct attempt to poison the minds of so many former MX1-MX3 members against me --- and then the successful launch of MX7 with all systems working excellently. It’s enough to make one have a drink or two with all the simultaneous pain and pleasure.

Don't worry . . . be happy!

This applies to the numerous former MX1-MX3 members who have asked about this topic. Jennie's position at the head of the MX1-MX3 line of genealogy is still there (though it is de-activated for now) and many of the former MX1-MX3 members are still with MX7... so your positions are placed exactly as they are whether Jennie is with us or not.

Try to focus your most positive energies on the global success of MX7 these next few years. I will build this business all over the globe and plan on having our materials in seven languages by the start of 2011: English, French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Korean, Chinese. Then you and any member of MX7 has unlimited potential to build a global business and earn yourself a substantial residual income.

Like I said: Don't worry . . . be happy!

AlertPay Six 6-Monthly Subscriptions
In Total For Pay Plans # 1 to #6

During the development of MX7, one area which was a major, major concern to me and our team of technical people was how to take less of the manual labor from the MX7 subscriptions and have more of it automated. Well, finally we have the answer --- but it involves the following which will come into effect at midnight tonight (Thursday February 4) which is the end of our first commission week.

>>> The monthly subscription cost for MX7 is still USD30 per month --- this will NEVER NEVER NEVER change.

>>> However instead of members having one USD30 monthly subscription, members will now have six USD30 6-monthly subscriptions in total for Pay Plans # 1 to #6.

>>> So someone joining Pay Plan #1 during February will pay their USD30 subscription in the identical way as now by clicking the same AlertPay button on the SUBSCRIBE page of the website. But instead of it being a monthly subscription, it is a 6-monthly subscription, meaning USD30 will be paid only each six months instead of each month (in this case the person joining during February will pay the next USD30 for Pay Plan #1 during August).

>>> When this member wants to renew their MX7 subscription during March to enter Pay Plan #2, they will click the SUBSCRIBE TO PAY PLAN #2 link in their back office. This is a second USD30 6-monthly subscription. In this instance, the first payment for Pay Plan #2 is in March and the next payment is in September.

>>> When this member wants to renew their MX7 subscription during April to enter Pay Plan #3, they will click the SUBSCRIBE TO PAY PLAN #3 link in their back office. This is a third USD30 6-monthly subscription. In this instance, the first payment for Pay Plan #3 is in April and the next payment is in October.

>>> When this member wants to renew their MX7 subscription during May to enter Pay Plan #4, they will click the SUBSCRIBE TO PAY PLAN #4 link in their back office. This is a fourth USD30 6-monthly subscription. In this instance, the first payment for Pay Plan #4 is in May and the next payment is in November.

>>> When this member wants to renew their MX7 subscription during June to enter Pay Plan #5, they will click the SUBSCRIBE TO PAY PLAN #5 link in their back office. This is a fifth USD30 6-monthly subscription. In this instance, the first payment for Pay Plan #5 is in June and the next payment is in December.

>>> When this member wants to renew their MX7 subscription during July to enter Pay Plan #6, they will click the SUBSCRIBE TO PAY PLAN #6 link in their back office. This is a sixth USD30 6-monthly subscription. In this instance, the first payment for Pay Plan #6 is in July and the next payment is in January of next year.

>>> Pay Plan #7 is a monthly concurrent pay plan with zero cost of entry. So no MX7 subscription fee is required for this pay plan.

This is all really quite straightforward. All this means is that after six months a member will have six 6-monthly subscriptions, each one paying USD30 every six months. The beauty for all of us --- members and admin alike --- is this means all of the income and commissions can now be automated. This will ensure the long-term survival of MX7 because instead of our staff having to manually encode thousands and thousands of transactions each month, they can now supervise the automated systems to ensure it all runs smooth, which it does.

Please try to look on minor inconveniences like this as blessings. If every step along the road for MX7 was so simple then every Tom, Dick and Harry would copy us and out run us. However because MX7 with its seven pay plans and its stellar products and programs is hugely complex, yet highly effective, this will mean we can stay light years ahead of the competition.

Minor Inconvenience For
The First 300 Members

We have 300 members that have already joined MX7 since February 1 and already have their USD30 MONTHLY subscriptions in place. Please note that before the end of February, I will personally cancel all 300 subscriptions in the AlertPay portal.

The only thing that these 300 members have to do during the first week of March (during the first March pay week of March 1 to 4) is click the SUBSCRIBE TO PAY PLAN #2 link in their back office and make a new USD30 6-monthly subscription for Pay Plan #2. Then do the same for Pay Plans #3 / #4 / #5 / # 6 once per month for the next four months and then do the same for Pay Plan #1 in August. This will have these 300 members all with their six 6-monthly subscriptions set up correctly.

Don’t worry, it’s all very simple really. If you forget, our kind admin staff will send you a reminder a few days before you need to set up your next subscription.

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit.

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