Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clarifications regarding certain MX7 issues


MillionaireX7 is now officially launched --- and already gaining momentum with almost three hundred people already joined and paid. So many of our members can already expect good sized commissions on our first pay day next Friday February 12.

We have several of the pre-encoded original MX1-MX3 members that have not yet paid their subscription fees of USD30 for February. To remain in the MX7 genealogy you must pay your USD30 subscription by this Thursday February 4 as commissions will be paid on your position in the first pay cycle. Those pre-encoded members that do not pay their USD30 subscription by the end of Thursday February 4 will be deleted from the system and will lose all rights to any genealogy or commissions. Their entire MX7 identity will be deleted. To pay your USD30 subscription (for pre-encoded members only) please click on this link:


Since our launch yesterday there have been many questions asked by our members and several issues which need further clarification.

COMMISSION PAY CYCLE: MX7 pays commissions on a WEEKLY basis, every Friday. The start of the pay week is Friday at 0:00:00am and the end of the pay week is Thursday at 23:59:59pm. THIS IS THE SAME EVERY WEEK. Commissions are paid 7 days after the end of the pay week cut-off --- so this means that for the week Feb 1 to Feb 4 the pay day is Friday February 12. For the week Feb 5 to Feb 11 the pay day is Friday Feb 19 and so on each Friday indefinitely.

REFERRER AND SPONSOR: In my MX7 back office are the terms “referrer” and “sponsor” --- what do these mean? Your "referrer" is the person who introduced you to the business and the one within whose group you joined. While the "sponsor" is the actual person immediately above you in the network --- the person you are connected to in the line of genealogy. When your referrer and sponsor are the same this means you are directly connected to the person who introduced you to MX7.

POWERFUL LONG-TERM BUSINESS BUILDING STRATEGY: The best long-term strategy for success in MX7 is ALWAYS to build a team of leaders under you. I would suggest initially aiming to have 3 direct referrals and help them to get 3 direct referrals, ALWAYS working as a team. However for ultimate success, I would follow the example of Jesus and work with 12 people directly... these are your 12 disciples, so to speak. This is your 3 directs and their 3 directs each equals 12 committed people to build a worldwide business.

THE PAY PROCESS EXPLAINED: The MX7 payment process is THREE STEPS. Step-1 is to pay via AlertPay. Step-2 is to opt-in to our mailing system. Step-3 is to complete the MX7 signup. Why this order? We want to avoid free members in our system as no one earns any commission from them so why allow them in the first place. Members who somehow avoid the AlertPay payment portal and signup before paying can always upgrade from their back office via an ‘Upgrade’ button (which now works). Paid members do not have the ‘Upgrade’ button in their back office.

MULTIPLE ALERTPAY PAYMENTS FOR YOUR MEMBERS FROM YOUR ALERTPAY ACCOUNT: If you are making more than one payment from your AlertPay account to MX7, please can you send a list to MX7 Admin --- --- notifying for which person is each payment. Please note the MX7 staff are not mind readers so when they receive multiple payments from you they do not know for which account is which payment. Your clarification is always needed before we can activate an account.

ACCOUNT ACTIVATION: Please note that when someone joins MX7 our staff have to manually “activate” them once our staff first see that we have received the AlertPay payment. This usually takes just 15 to 30 minutes for account activation as our staff are online 24 hours a day. Please be patient if it sometimes takes longer and do not send an immediate email to MX7 Admin (and certainly do not send and email to me).

EMAILS TO ME: Please can most of you try not to send emails to my personal MX7 email address unless it is absolutely necessary and not related to something that is an admin issue. The Charter Members have earned this right to communicate with me directly by trusting in me and investing in our future. Now I am focused on ensuring the systems work flawlessly and committed to the future. For me this includes having the MX7 website, back office and Millionizers translated (by 2011) into 7 languages and I will help the leaders to grow MX7 worldwide by ensuring our systems can handle our growth. This is where my focus should be on a daily basis, not in receiving and answering 100+ emails (like yesterday). Most of your “urgent” emails regarding “Am I activated yet” and such matters would be solved with a little patience (as this manual process takes 15-30 minutes) and some study of the website and also talking with your upline sponsor. By all means send an email to MX7 Admin if you really have an issue --- but 90 issues yesterday were not real issues at all.

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule for the next two weeks is posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

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