Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Last Chance Saloon (circa 1880)


Around one hundred people were pre-registered on January 29th into MX7. Many of these people are supporters of me and MX7 and have subsequently paid their monthly subscription fees for February. However, many of these people are in our back office admin database as "non-paid" members as they perhaps no longer support me or MX7.

These “non-paid” people have until 23:59:59PM on Tuesday February 9 (Eastern Standard Time) to pay their USD30 monthly subscription. If they do not pay their USD30 monthly subscription by that time their positions will be permanently deleted from the MX7 database and all subsequent entitlements lost forever.

If you are one of these people, please click this link to pay your USD30 monthly subscription now:

The one severe and unfortunate consequence of these “non-paid” people being deleted from the admin back office is that no commissions will be paid on them as no income came in. So, unfortunately, several of the paying subscribers in the MX1 network leg will see their genealogy shrink this week and they will see their expected commissions also shrink.

This non-payment by pre-registered members is a ONE-TIME EVENT and fortunately our lessons have been learned (the hard way) and this will never be repeated. From February 5, the only way for people to join MX7 is via the new 6-monthly subscriptions which automatically ensure no free members can join and no more pre-registered people can ever be encoded.

The following list contains the names of the non-paid members. The reason these people have not paid is because of Jennie Menn’s email which poisoned them against me and MX7. Though I am the same genuine guy that I was before Jennie’s email, the damage has been done and in her eyes I am now the darkest evil spirit since Lord Voldemort (see Harry Potter) though every decision I have ever made is for the best interests of MX7, especially the Charter Members.

Have a read through this list and if you personally know any of these people just ask them to search their heart to ensure they are really making the best decision for themselves by not joining MX7.

***If you feel your name is on the list below in error (though we have checked it and double checked it for accuracy) and you have already made your USD30 subscription please notify MX7 Admin before Tuesday night so that your position is not deleted from the database.

High Tide Management LLC
Suzanna Dreyer
George Verhulst
Michael Goulet
Lesliee Willats
Yhvonne Swaim
G. Tupper Swaim III
Dennis Ribble
Debra Baxter
Ed Obaseki
Scott Cooper
George Belton
Sean Kelly
Leigh Traill
Patrick Pyck
Cathy Brittan
Chelsea Brittan
Sally Walker
Anthony Enriquez
Randy Hogan
Don Miller
Steve Hales
Anthony Peter Scott
John Ruditis
Janice Kennedy
Jim Lehenbauer
Kirk Pieper
Sandra Lee Zwijacz
Michaela Beveridge
Richard Moffitt
Janet Lindahl
John Oconnell
Valerie Belott
Jeff Lindahl
William Stoner
James Warren
Thomas Spratt
Barbara McQuaid
Jamie Brook
Ronald Montgomery
Marco G
Roosevelt D. Odom Jr.
Marc Gaston
David Miller
Glen Brink
Lars-Johan Andersson
Jimmy Wilson
Frank Astheimer
Krishnan Rajamani
Dale Archangeli
Gong G Star
King Man Genea
Khanng Fddlg
Cosin Killer
Seller Man

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit.

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