Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MX7 Streamlined One Pay Plan System


We will do everything in our powers to ensure MX7 is alive
and flourishing ten years from now in the year 2020

My ten-year commitment to the long-term success of MX7 remains unwavering. However, from time to time, especially in these early pioneering days, fast decisions need to be made that often seem drastic in nature. This is one of those times --- though please understand THIS NEWSLETTER IS ALL TREMENDOUS GOOD NEWS FOR YOU (though you may not read it that way at first --- so please read the entire newsletter carefully and completely).

During the previous 16 days since our launch on Feb 1, we have come to realize the “7 PAY PLANS” model of MX7 is just too complicated and confusing for the average person to understand. This means that while we have already had tens of thousands of prospects visit the MX7 websites, only 300+ of these people have so far joined.

We know via feedback from our subscribers that MX7 with its multiple pay plans just won’t grow into the global powerhouse we envisioned long-term --- at least not without super human efforts --- and what we really want (going back to the original concept of MX1 last summer) is a business that is so simple even your grandmother will understand it. That was our original idea --- and it was only a series of faulty operating systems that prevented us attaining that aim until now.

Streamlined MX7 launching on Feb 20

Finally we have a correctly performing state-of-the-art software system. So we have taken what we consider to be the best of the seven pay plans --- “best” meaning the most simple yet most lucrative for the members of MX7 --- and built a FULLY AUTOMATED business around this single pay plan. What we mean by “fully automated” is this:

>>> Your prospect joins online from your website and is immediately “in” MX7 as a non-active member.

>>> Their first monthly MX7 subscription via AlertPay is paid online by clicking an “upgrade” link which immediately activates them.

>>> Whatever commissions are due on that subscription are PAID OUT INSTANTLY as soon as the subscription payment is made --- actually our operating system does a commissions payment run every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, every day. No waiting one month or one week for commissions any more. ***This factor alone is huge for MX7 members.

>>> Future monthly subscriptions are paid automatically from AlertPay to MX7 --- and as soon as the subscription payment is made the commission is paid out --- always INSTANTLY. ***Awesome.

With the new streamlined MX7 there are no minimum commission qualifications so the previous USD20 minimum limit is gone. All due commissions are paid INSTANTLY and fully automatically. If any member wants to change his or her AlertPay email address, this is done easily and quickly from within their back office.

Now MX7 can be a huge hit

The new streamlined MX7 with its one pay plan will enable us to grow into a global powerhouse with 10,000+ members very rapidly because of these factors:

>>> Fully automated joining and upgrading and subscription payments.

>>> Instant commission payout --- within 15 minutes of a subscription being paid.

>>> With the new single pay plan, our members already earn a profit after sponsoring just three people. USD10 is earned on your first member, and USD10 is earned on your second member, and USD20 is earned on your third member. However, this third member could literally make you rich as our new pay plan is a modified and improved version of an existing highly popular business model in which the third member onwards can help build your network to infinity. ***From Feb 20 please see the ‘Opportunity’ and ‘Pay Plans’ pages of the MX7 website for more details on the beauties of our new single pay plan.

>>> Our #1 USP (unique selling proposition): MX7 is a MONTHLY RECURRING SUBSCRIPTION --- and as far as we can tell, we are the first company in the world to mix this effective pay plan with a recurring billing --- what is sometimes referred to as an “auto-ship”. This means that our members --- YOU --- can earn from your network again and again and again, month after month after month, year after year after year. ***This factor is massive for MX7 members.

What about the members that already paid their MX7 subscriptions for February?

Good question. All paid subscribers to MX7 (some 300+ members) will be encoded into the new streamlined MX7 just a few hours before Feb 20 and upon being encoded they will instantly receive an email with their “upgrade” details.

Please note that you have any time from Feb 20 to March 19 to “upgrade” by paying your March 2010 subscription fee of USD30.

However the sooner you pay your next subscription the sooner commissions will be paid out to you. Even while you are not yet upgraded, you can still promote your URLs and still build your business. Because you are pre-encoded in the new MX7 system, any commissions that accrue to you will remain in escrow until you pay your March subscription. You will not lose this income unless you do not upgrade by March 19. As soon as you pay your subscription, your escrowed commissions will be paid out to you.

Your new back office with the single pay plan is almost identical to the existing one --- with your same username and same two personal URL sub-domains. The only difference is that your password will be changed to “password” so the first time you login to your back office you will need to change your password in the ‘My Profile’ portal.

What about any commissions pending now from the existing MX7 with 7 pay plans?

All commissions that are not yet paid out from the MX7 “7 PAY PLANS” business are being paid out today --- and again on Sat Feb 20 for any further commissions that accumulate between today and then. This includes any and all members that have accumulated from USD2 to USD18 in commissions. So watch for your AlertPay email notifications.


This also applies to the Pay Plan #7 --- Royal 7 Power Pool. Those members that have brought in seven or more paid members between Feb 1 to Feb 19 will share in this pool to be paid out after the final subscriptions for MX7 with the 7 pay plans are tabulated on Feb 20.

What about your existing marketing efforts?

Your two MX7 personal URLs are identical to before --- these two sub-domain URLs will not change. The first one --- MX7 BUSINESS INTRO --- leads to a new landing page (being uploaded by Feb 20) and the second lone --- MZ PRODUCT INTRO --- leads to the identical landing page as now.

MX7 Business Intro Video

Will MX7 ever change again?

While there are no guarantees in life, our objective now that we finally have our ONE business with its ONE lucrative pay plan and with its fully automated systems that all work perfectly is to never change anything about MX7 ever again. This is it now --- finally.

From today and for the next ten years let’s work as hard as we can to really make this new MX7 a worldwide success story. We finally have our one business model that will work and that will stand the test of time.

Here are the questions I asked myself before making the decision to change MX7 to a one pay plan business model:

>>> Can I personally build this new MX7 worldwide? YES!

>>> Can our members EASILY build this new MX7 worldwide? YES!

>>> Can our members earn a LUCRATIVE residual income with the new MX7? YES!

>>> Can this one pay plan business model last for ten years or longer? YES!

>>> Can we build it to our “impossible dream” of one million happy subscribers worldwide by the year 2020? YES!

>>> Is this one pay plan business model in the best interests of the subscribers and the Charter Members? YES!

For my part in the long-term success of MX7, during the next few years, for example, I will work with one Korean leader (or group of Korean leaders or existing Korean network marketing company) to bring MX7 to the Korean people in the Korean language. Then I will follow this identical strategy to bring MX7 to the people of China and India and Malaysia and Philippines and Mexico and France and Germany and whatever countries we feel are ripe for the MX7 business opportunity and the all-important daily MILLIONIZERS to uplift the members of those nations --- in multiple languages of course.

Come Join Our Inspiring
Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule for the next two weeks is below and is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

This Thursday Feb 18 though the advertised webinar is a business opportunity one, I will in fact conduct another QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar as you guys and gals are sure to have plenty of questions. Just like the webinar I did a few hours ago, wow, we really covered many relevant topics in the multitude of questions which were asked of me. So hope to see you there for another power-packed session.

Say yes to success!

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