Monday, January 4, 2010

Brand New MillionaireX7 (MX7) Online Home Business

So this is what I have done during the past few weeks, with the help of Francis and our MX7 staff:

>>> The MX1 and MX3 businesses have been rolled into ONE new business called MillionaireX7 (MX7). I only ever wanted ONE business but I was somewhat forced by circumstances to launch MX3 last September to cover the hole created by MX1 being placed on hold while the new operating system was developed. ONE business is easier for me to supervise, it is easier for you the members to promote, it is easier for the staff to manage and it will be a stronger, more unified force than two or more separate business entities.

>>> We have taken the best parts of the SWA business model --- the operating system, for example --- and we have modified or eliminated the worst parts to make MX7 so compelling.

>>> MX7 has a modified version of the 2x2 matrix business of MX1 incorporated within its pay plans.

>>> MX7 has a modified version of the 3x10 matrix business of MX3 incorporated within its pay plans.

>>> MX7 has an additional five pay plans within its business model for seven pay plans in total --- hence the "X7" moniker.

>>> MX7 is presently being incorporated in the British Virgin Islands to make us a legally incorporated global entity capable of operating in all 192 countries within which AlertPay presently allows people to open accounts (copies of the incorporation documents will be uploaded to the MX7 website as soon as received and will be available for viewing in the QUESTIONS section).

>>> The Charter Members of MX1-MX3 now become the Charter Members of MX7 and will share in 10% of the gross revenue of the new MX7 subscriptions for the next ten years. Originally this was 5% of gross income for MX1-MX3, but then increased to 10% of the CV (which was around 7% of gross income), but now it's a flat 10% of gross income --- which is a superior deal for all the Charter Members.

>>> On the present 3,000 members of SWA (if we can emulate or surpass this for MX7) each one MX7 Charter Membership share would earn US$90 per month, which is a very good start indeed just 6 weeks into their business.

>>> Monthly retail subscription fee for the new MX7 business is US$30 per month.

>>> MX7 has zero admin fees.

>>> MX7 has zero extra fees and zero hidden charges and nothing above the US$30 per month subscription fee.

>>> MX7 has zero Business Development System (BDS) fees.

>>> All subscribers are given a Business Development System --- consisting of personal URL sub-domains, landing pages, with full back office --- at no extra charge.

>>> Commission payouts are on a WEEKLY basis --- every Friday.

>>> We now have videos on the new website (with more to come).

>>> We will have MX7 webinars from the first week of January --- at different times --- hosted enthusiastically by me.

>>> The MX7 pre-launch commences January 1 and lasts for one full month. During this one month, all previous MX1 members will receive the 'MILLIONIZER' daily program for 31 days at zero cost. This is the free month that I promised to previous MX1 members when that business was placed on hold during September.

>>> The official launch date of MX7 is Monday February 1 with the monthly subscription payment portal opening at 00:00:01 EST that day.

>>> The product range of MX7 --- all for the US$30 per month subscription fee --- is stronger than ever as it contains the daily 'MILLIONIZER' program and the original resources center of MX1 and it also contains the MVP2010 program of MX3 --- and we have other new, exciting, high-value personal empowerment software products being development to be launched as part of the MX7 products range. As stated strongly above, I only ever want ONE business for the next ten years, so all new products that I and our team create will always go within the MX7 business.

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