Monday, January 18, 2010

Screenshot of the new ‘MILLIONIZER’ landing page


We have a second landing page for the new MillionaireX7 business complete with flash video that introduces the MILLIONIZER program in an extremely powerful way. The landing page is professional looking and the video is less than 2 minutes long but with high impact visuals and well worth viewing.

The link to the new MILLIONIZER landing page is here:

‘MILLIONIZER’ Landing Page

The link to the original MX7 INTRO landing page is here:

‘MX7 INTRO’ Landing Page

All subscribers to MillionaireX7 from the February 1st launch date will receive two sub-domain personal URLs with which to promote their MillionaireX7 business. One sub-domain personal URL goes to the MX7 INTRO landing page and the other goes to the MILLIONIZER landing page. This is because some people prefer to emphasize the pay plan and others prefer to promote the product. With two sub-domain personal URLs you can choose to promote either one or both:

MX7 Intro Landing Page ---

Millionizer Landing Page ---

MillionaireX7 has the potential to be one of the greatest online network marketing companies ever, so it is recommended that you treat this business with a high degree of seriousness.

Remember to join me on my upcoming live webinar presentations --- and invite lots and lots of your prospects.


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