Monday, January 4, 2010

Charter Membership Shares Remaining

There are now just ten shares remaining, with ninety already sold (though not all paid in full yet). These remaining ten unsold shares have the potential for massive incomes. For example, I intend building MX7 huge in India and Malaysia during the next decade in addition to the rest of the world. One Charter Membership share earns US$0.03 per subscriber per month. If our corporate goal of one million happy monthly subscribers is realized, this equals thirty thousand dollars a MONTH per each Charter Membership share --- and is a mammoth US$360,000 a YEAR PER SHARE. So I have decided to hold on to the remaining ten shares until we have heavy hitters interested in purchasing them that fully appreciate the magnitude of just how profitable MX7 and the Charter Membership shares can be. Hence for any person now wishing to avail of an extra share, payment is required in full (no more lengthy installment plans for these ten shares) and the price is US$2,500 per share.

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