Monday, January 4, 2010

MX7 Full-Steam Ahead

MX7 is the culmination of 8 months thinking and planning and wrong turns and dead-ends and swings and roundabouts with MX1-MX3... and it is divinely inspired, of course. But this is it now --- no more changes --- and full-stream to success.

The new MX7 business may be viewed at this URL (but please note no one can join MX7 until February 1)

***The above URL will be switched off January 31 so that no one can join under that URL. This will somewhat help to keep the integrity of the existing MX1-MX3 downlines genealogy as it means you will have to wait until you receive the personal URL of your sponsor before you can join (after they have joined), and the same for your prospects as they will have to wait for your personal URL before they too can join.

Watch out… 2010 will be phenomenal for us all at MX7.

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