Thursday, January 28, 2010

Certificate of Incorporation for 'MillionaireX7 Global Incorporated'


MillionaireX7 is now an officially registered business company and our members are able to conduct business transactions in all 192 countries within which our payment processor AlertPay allows subscription payments and commission earnings.

Our Registered Office is:

MillionaireX7 Global Incorporated
Mill Mall Tower, 2nd Floor
Wickhams Cay 1
Road Town
British Virgin Islands

Please click this link to view our official incorporation certificate:

MillionaireX7 Global Incorporated Certificate Of Incorporation

People ask why we chose the British Virgin Islands (BVI) as our choice of domicile for the incorporation of MillionaireX7. Well, the answer is manifold. I am born in England and a citizen of Great Britain but I have lived in Asia for most of the past 25 years. For me personally, as the founder and owner of MillionaireX7, I wanted a secure and safe environment for this corporation which we intend building into a global powerhouse during the next decade.

For me, as a British citizen, incorporating in North America was a big no-no as were most of the European countries --- just too much bureaucracy. These are some of the general advantages of the British Virgin Islands over many other offshore financial centers:

>>> US dollar is the official currency in the BVI --- therefore, by definition, there can be no currency controls and no artificial manipulation of money supply by the local government. The US dollar is the only currency of MillionaireX7.

>>> BVI are a British Overseas Territory, which provides for an outstanding political stability. The country also maintains a low international profile and a clean reputation, thus avoiding the pitfalls experienced by some more publicized and less scrupulous offshore tax havens.

>>> BVI has an independent judicial system based on English Common Law. Laws and regulations are routinely developed in consultation with the private sector. Offshore financial services sector contributes a very significant part to the country's gross domestic product. Therefore, an inherent and pronounced interest exists both with the government and with the general public to maintain and develop the country's status as a competitive offshore financial centre.

>>> BVI is an independent country with a fairly high standard of living. Therefore, it avoided entering any information-sharing agreements with foreign countries or organizations for exchange of financial aid. Client confidentiality is robustly enshrined in the BVI corporate and business legislation.

>>> BVI is easily accessible by sea and air, has modern telecommunications and is on US Eastern Standard Time (1 hour behind EST in winters). MillionaireX7 operates on Eastern Standard Time.

So British Virgin Islands it is --- and from our official launch this February 1st let’s move onwards and upwards to ever increasing success with MillionaireX7 these next few years and decades.

Remember to join me on my upcoming live webinar presentations --- and invite lots and lots of your prospects. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit.

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