Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Charter Memberships Final Share

This is your last chance to be a
…for just $1,000…
…99 shares already sold...
…just 1 share now remains!

Image of a MX7 Charter Membership Share Certificate

For those members that are aligned with my long-term vision for MX7 and want to reap the rewards of our financial success, we still have just one Charter Membership share for one visionary person to avail of. This applies to both existing and new Charter Members.

This is an exclusive one-time offer never to be repeated. Once all 100 positions are sold, no more will ever be issued, never. This is only for those enlightened members that want to journey with me this next decade to the upper echelons of financial success.

Many of you already know my level of commitment to the long-term success of MX7. This ONE business is MY LIFE, literally. All of my work as an author these past 14 years is within its products and programs. My commitment to the Charter Members and to the regular members of MX7 is wholehearted dedication to attain long-term success.

We have now sold 99 of the 100 available Charter Membership shares in this once-in-a-lifetime offer. Just 1 share now remains. Most of our leaders in MX7 have already availed of a share, with several taking the chance to buy multiple shares.

Charter Memberships for MX7:
What benefits does the
Charter Member receive?

 The 100 positions share 10% of Gross Subscription Income for MX7 every month. Gross income for MX7 is $30 per monthly subscription. So 10% is $3 per sale that goes into the Charter Members pot.

 The period for earning from MX7 is almost ten years from March 2010 to December 2019.

 MX7 Charter Memberships are fully transferrable and inheritable.

 Payment of earnings for the Charter Membership shares is on the 15th day of the following month --- every month for almost ten years.

Here is the example of
the Charter Membership
earnings potential for MX7:

“Monthly members” for MX7 includes all new subscribers and all re-subscribers --- the 10% pot is on MX7 Gross Subscription Income. This is the $30 subscription and $30 re-subscription per month per member.

 1,000 monthly members x $30 = $30,000 x 10%
x one share = $30 per month = $360 per year.

 10,000 monthly members x $30 = $300,000 x 10%
x one share = $300 per month = $3,600 per year.

 100,000 monthly members x $30 = $3,000,000 x 10%
x one share = $3,000 per month = $36,000 per year.

Remember that MX7 is a MONTHLY business, so you can earn this income month after month after month for almost ten years. And for those of you that do not yet know the depth of my conviction, here is my own goal for MX7 by the year 2020: MillionaireX7 is a global phenomenon with one million happy subscribers every month!

Just one Charter Membership for MX7
--- available for purchase now:

Charter Members are not required to do anything to receive their share of the MX7 gross subscription revenue above making their one-time only payment investment and being members of good standing in MX7.

For expediency, I am allowing this remaining 1 share to be sold at just $1,000. First come, first serve.

Those MX7 members serious about joining me on my journey to success, please email to me:

No one can foretell what the next ten years will bring, but it will be an exciting journey with MX7 for sure. And my passionate desire for the success of MX7 and my commitment to excellence will ensure that I give my very best efforts on behalf of the Charter Members during the forthcoming decade.

Power Networking Module #03

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #03

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Royal 7 Power Pool
Commissions Paid

The seventh pay plan of the old MX7 with its seven pay plans was the Royal 7 Power Pool. This pool accumulated USD310.50 from Feb 1-19 which was for 345 subscriptions x USD30 x 3% = USD310.50 which was shared by 18 members for a payout of USD17.25 per share. This was paid in full on March 1 to the 18 members that qualified.

This pay plan, along with all the other pay plans of the old MX7 with its seven pay plans ceased to exist on Feb 20 upon the launch of the new single pay plan MX7.

All that remains to be paid now from the February revenue is USD1,224 (10% of gross subscription income) for the Charter Membership Pool and USD367.20 (3% of gross subscription revenue) for the MX3 Re-Fund Pool. Both these pools will be paid in full by March 15.

Come Join Our Inspiring
Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule for the next two weeks is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

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