Monday, March 1, 2010

MX7 Building Global


James Lee Valentine and Charles Kim giving MX7 the thumbs up for Korea

One of the beauties of MX7 is that the members can build this business in any of 192 countries presently.

Recently, Charles Kim flew from Seoul, Korea to Metro Manila, Philippines to meet with me. Before investing considerable time and energy into building MX7 in Korea, Charles wanted to meet me firsthand and gain insights into my long-term vision. Well, with all of his questions answered, he was pleased to give MX7 the thumbs up for Korea. His aim now, during the next few months and years, is to build a network of tens of thousands of Korean people.

This newsletter serves as a wake up call to each and every one of our members that YOU have this same opportunity that Charles has grabbed with both hands. YOU can be the main MX7 leader in YOUR country --- or any country for that matter. Charles also has contacts in China and Japan and is keen to build his personal MX7 network into a powerhouse group.

Think big and win with MX7! THINK BIG!

Power Networking Module #02

At MX7 we are fortunate to have a wealth of training and motivational materials in the MILLIONAIRE CENTER of the back office. Among these resources are 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower the reader as well as give them valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

With each of the next 76 newsletters we will give you a download link to a different module. Of course you can go to your back office and download any or all of the modules at any time you want. These types of resources make us quite unique in the online network marketing world, so feel free to send these to your prospects to show them how different --- and how legitimate --- is MX7.

Power Networking Module #02

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

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