Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New MX7 Pay Plan Revealed


Existing members of MX1-MX3-MX7 can join the new MX7 pay plan even before the
official launch on April 7, 2010

The new pay plan of MX7 is a 5X7 FORCED MATRIX with SPILLOVER and INSTANT COMMISSION PAYOUTS which will be officially launched to the public on Thursday April 7, 2010.

However, previous MX1-MX3-MX7 members may join before the official launch date. So watch for an email coming to you during the next few days --- from your existing MX1-MX3-MX7 sponsor or from me or from MX7 admin --- which will enable you to jump the start gun and join the new MX7 pay plan as an early bird.

When re-joining MX7 please follow the “HONOR SYSTEM” and ensure you re-join under your original MX1-MX3-MX7 sponsor as far as possible. If your particular sponsor is not inclined to join the new MX7 pay plan then still do your best to re-join in the same line of genealogy.

The payment portal for non MX1-MX3-MX7 members and prospects will go live at precisely 0:00:01AM APRIL 7, 2010 (EST) so that gives you and your previous sponsors and your previous downlines plenty of time (more than a week) in which to have whatever communications between yourselves that you deem necessary for you to ensure you keep to the original genealogy as far as possible.

***Note: Within the admin back office of the new pay plan I do have the capability to move incorrectly sponsored members within the genealogy after they have signed up to MX7. However, I would rather not do this as commissions will have already been paid out on those new subscriptions. Instead it would be much better if the members were the ones to police themselves to ensure they firstly use their correct original USERNAME when re-joining and secondly they re-join under their correct original SPONSOR.

The new MX7 pay plan revealed

This is the new MX7 pay plan model:

Level 1 5 xUSD10 $50
Level 2 25 xUSD5 $125
Level 3 125 xUSD2 $250
Level 4 625 xUSD2 $1,250
Level 5 3,125 xUSD2 $6,250
Level 6 15,625 xUSD2 $31,250
Level 7 78,125 xUSD2 $156,250
TOTALS 97,655 USD25 $195,425/month

Maximum annual income

This new pay plan pays out a whopping USD10 for each subscriber on a member’s first level. This means that any member of MX7 just needs three personally sponsored subscribers on their first level (or they could be there by virtue of spillover) to earn USD30 per month, which is akin to having their monthly subscription for free --- and this income can be earned month after month after month, and year after year after year. So this is one of our new slogans to represent this: GET 3 AND YOU’RE FREE!

At the time of launch there will be no other pay plans for MX7 which means no ‘Royal 7 Power Pool’ and no ‘Fast Start’ or ‘Leadership’ bonuses. Options for these will be discussed with the Charter Members and leaders of MX7 after several months of first seeing exactly how this new pay plan works out in terms of income for the members and profitability for the corporation. Though let it be known that I am generous at heart and I am in full favor of sharing our wealth with our members as much as possible.

Join using your EXISTING
MX7 username

Please note that your two personal URLs are still online during this transition from the old pay plan to the new pay plan. They have never gone offline. So all of your prior advertising will continue to work 24/7 while we move to the new pay plan, though new members cannot subscribe until we turn on the payment portal on April 7, once the existing MX1-MX3-MX7 members have re-joined (or not re-joined as the case may be). Do not panic because your prospects can clearly see a message on the ‘Subscribe’ page which states they can join the new MX7 pay plan from April 7.

This is your two URLs which continue to be live online:

URL #1 Business Opportunity --- www.username.millionairex7.com
URL #2 Millionizer Program --- www.username-2.millionairex7.com

However for YOUR MX7 website to still be YOUR MX7 website, you must re-join MX7 with the same username as you had previously in MX7. So please do NOT change your username if at all possible and certainly do NOT take the username of an existing member.

Features of the new MX7 pay plan

Among the features of the new enhanced pay plan are these:

Instant commission payouts!

Forced matrix with SPILLOVER!

Earn USD10 for each first level subscriber!

Bring in 3 members and your subscription is free!

Over US$2 million annual earnings possible!

Simple pay plan!

Easy to understand!

Uncomplicated to diagram!

Same US$30 monthly subscription!

Same daily MILLIONIZER program!

Same “username” and URLs for members!

Same back office and website as now!

More detailed genealogy up to 7 levels!


Public launch 0:00:01am April 7, 2010.

Pre-launch for existing MX1-MX3-MX7 members starts later this week.

Please note that we have set up the new operating system to run a commissions cycle once every hour. This means that our “INSTANT COMMISSION PAYOUTS” are paid out within an hour of any subscription payments being paid every time. This is a fantastic selling point indeed as can you imagine how pleased new subscribers will be when they sponsor their first person and within one hour they have already received their first commission direct into their AlertPay account.

Come on now and get excited about the all new MX7 pay plan and watch as your life positively transforms during the course of the next few months and years with the double empowerment of (1) our daily MILLIONIZER program to reinforce your empowered mindset and (2) your increased monthly income via the MX7 global business.

This is it now with MX7 so let’s all get revved up and let’s rock ‘n roll together to success and good fortune.

Wise words from a Charter Member on the new pay plan

From Mike Gaitan, March 21: This plan makes more sense because, statistically, the average network marketer brings in only 2.5 subscribers and then gives up (They don't see the money or realize that it takes work to succeed); therefore, the turnover of the masses exists mainly in the first and second levels. That is why it is important to have higher payouts at these first two levels [which we do with USD10 and USDS5 paid out on the first two levels].

In addition, since money is a motivator for the masses, a plan that pays more at the top would encourage them to persevere until their organization expands and eventually reaches "critical mass". At that point, they will see the big money (the main motivator), and will, therefore, hang in there for the long haul.

In addition, the longer that subscribers remain students of the MX7 self improvement program, the more their success energy will increase. That will increase the credibility of MX7's success program, proving that it is something everybody needs; thus, attracting more prospects.

In conclusion, the decision as to which plan to choose depends on whether we want to try out another plan to see how it works, or whether we want to consider the thoughts and actions of the masses and, therefore, choose a plan that will appeal to them. That would be the plan that can be a tool for attracting the masses, and could become the catalyst for the long term success of the company.

In the words of Anthony Robbins, "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped". Thus, the future (or destiny) of MX7 could very well be shaped with this big decision.

[And the decision is to provide our members with a pay plan that is both attractive to the masses and lucrative for the heavy hitters, which culminates in a sure-fire win-win-win for all. And a pay plan model which is proven to stand the test of time --- and the FORCED MATRIX passes all those criteria with flying colors.]

Power Networking Module #09

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #09

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

Say yes to success!

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