Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Easter --- No April Fool’s Joke

***This newsletter is going to many previous MX1-MX3-MX7 members as it is deemed important for them to receive this news***

New versions of the MX1 and MX3 businesses will be launched as ‘feeder programs’ of MX7 to make a trio of life changing MX programs.


This is an updated version of the March 29 newsletter as several key developments have happened since then with the new MX1-MX3-MX7 programs. So please read this newsletter carefully as many minor and major amendments have been made within this message. The main KEY DEVELOPMENT is that we are delaying both the pre-launch and the official launch of all THREE new MX businesses by 8 days.

The three new MX1-MX3-MX7 programs will all now be PRE-LAUNCHED at this date & time:


All of the existing members of MX1-MX3-MX7 can join any or all of these three businesses during the pre-launch period starting on April 8.

April 8 is the start of the PRE-LAUNCH period which lasts for one week and is ONLY for previous members of MX1-MX3-MX7 to subscribe. All new prospects can only join from the OFFICIAL LAUNCH date of all three new MX1-MX3-MX7 programs which is:


Many of our previous MX1-MX3-MX7 members have been asking me to introduce a low-cost one-time-fee matrix feeder program. So here you are ladies and gentlemen with not one but TWO lucrative and easily affordable feeder programs to choose from --- one at USD7 and the other at USD3 only. And both have super empowering, high value products for such tiny one-time fees.

The sole intent of these two new feeder programs is to INCREASE THE MEMBERSHIP of MX7 as time goes by. And you will see that both MX1 and MX3 offer such compelling reasons for their members to also join MX7 --- and sooner rather than later too.

Also, I would like to make it clear here that the Charter Members will receive their 10% share of the gross fee revenue pool for both MX1 and MX3 programs as well as MX7 of course.

In my next newsletter, to be sent on April 7 on the eve of the pre-launch, you will receive more details about these two feeder programs and by that date the two new websites will be online for you to get even more information so that you can get your contacts excited to join MX1 and MX3 on the April 15 official launch date.

Details of the new MX1-MX3-MX7 programs

This section gives a short overview of all three programs. Please note the websites of all three programs will be online later today (April 1) but while the website of MX7 is 100% completed, the websites of MX1 and MX3 will not be fully completed until April 6 as the design staff are on Easter holidays from April 2 to April 5 for four days. On April 6 we will make further amendments to the OPPORTUNITY pages to make the programs sound even more compelling. However all websites will be totally finished well ahead of the April 8 pre-launch date.

Here are the basic details of all three programs:

>>> MX1 --- --- this is a ONE-TIME PAYMENT feeder program for MX7. This is a simple 2x20 forced matrix that costs only USD7 just one time to enter. This matrix has a potential maximum earnings payout of over half a million dollars. While we appreciate this is not feasible for most people, it highlights the awesome possibilities of this program for such a tiny initial fee. Imagine the earnings potential if a member promotes this business month after month and year after year --- because it is a feeder for the far more lucrative MX7 business with its MONTHLY RECURRING EARNINGS. The product of MX1 is a package of 100 MILLIONIZER videos sent via autoresponder email during a 100 day period. ***Please note that we are using the 100 videos that were created last year for MX1 and which feature the “MX1 COPYRIGHT” intros and endings --- so the videos say MX1 and this business is MX1, so that’s perfect. These videos are the identical ones being sent to our members from January 1 to April 7 this year. So in effect we have a new program that recycles these 100 MILLIONIZERS so that more and more people can enjoy them for just USD7 one-time fee.

>>> MX3 --- --- this is also a ONE-TIME PAYMENT feeder program for the far more lucrative MX7 home business. MX3 is a basic 3x10 forced matrix that costs only USD3 just one time to enter. The product is the 90 DAY CHARGE program which is the introductory program to the MVP2010 sent via autoresponder email during a 90 day period. ***Please note that until now this 90 DAY CHARGE program has pretty much lain idle though it has been available for free for those people that knew about it. It is now being revamped and will sell for just USD3 for a program which is massively empowering and lasts a full ninety days.

>>> MX7 --- --- this is our MONTHLY RECURRING PAYMENT Rolls Royce 5x7 forced matrix program with monthly USD30 subscription that members from the new MX1 and MX3 programs can upgrade to after experiencing first hand (at such inexpensive entry fee levels) the high value of the MX products and the substantial income opportunities available with our businesses. Not to mention they will also experience our excellent customer service and communication skills. Plus the ease of using our back office systems. Not to mention the INSTANT PAYOUTS that all three of these businesses will pay. KEY DEVELOPMENT: Commissions will instantly and automatically payout to the member’s back office as soon as commissions are earned. But we shall implement the “COMMISSIONS BY REQUEST” feature in a member’s back office. Instead of commissions being automatically sent to the member’s AlertPay account, because many of our commission amounts are so small, the member is the one who will decide when he or she wants to withdraw their earnings --- this is done with the easy click of one link. So whether they want to withdraw say just two dollars or wait until twenty-two dollars has accumulated or one hundred or more dollars, this is ALWAYS their choice. The reason for doing this is that AlertPay fees on a USD1 transaction are around 30% but only around 5% or less once the amount is more than USD20 or so. ***Please note that from the April 8 pre-launch date of the new MX7, all of the daily MILLIONIZERS feature brand-new never-before-seen videos with the “MX7 COPYRIGHT” intros and endings. The first 100 original “MX1 Copyright” videos now form the MX1 product package and will not be used for MX7.

Join under your original MX1-MX3-MX7 sponsor

When joining all three MX1-MX3-MX7 programs please follow the “HONOR SYSTEM” as far as possible and ensure you join under your original MX1-MX3-MX7 sponsor. If your particular sponsor is not inclined to join any of the new pay plans then still do your best to re-join in the same line of genealogy if at all possible.

Also please try to signup using your previous username. Do not change your username if at all possible and certainly do not take the username of an existing or previous member.

We have transitioned to a newer, larger, more powerful DEDICATED SERVER during this week

We have taken this period of transition to upgrade to a newer, larger capacity, more powerful dedicated server that will host all three of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs. This was also done because just last week the previous server suffered a cyber-attack from malicious software which infiltrated the operating systems and caused much damage --- though the damage has now been fixed. So, this week, the new MX7 website was down for a few hours while we transitioned to the new server. I hope this didn’t cause too much inconvenience to any of our members.

April 7 is the final day of the MILLIONIZER until members subscribe to the new MX7 program

April 7 is the final day that our existing database of members will receive the MILLIONIZER as part of their previous subscription payments. Those not wanting to miss any of the daily videos must subscribe to the new MX7 from April 8 which is the pre-launch date for our previous MX1-MX3-MX7 members. Though we will still create a MILLIONIZER ARCHIVE in the back office of MX7 for those members that like to view all of our videos.

Power Networking Module #12

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #12

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is below and is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

By the way, Happy Easter and Happy Holy Week to all of our members in many countries worldwide.

Say yes to success!

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