Monday, March 15, 2010

Daylight Saving Time Started March 14


Daylight Saving Time Started
At 2AM Sunday March 14

MX7 operates on the Eastern Standard Time zone of North America. This means that for many people not based within USA or Canada the times of our upcoming webinars have changed by one hour from Sunday March 14.

For me, as an example, in the Philippines, the 8PM start times of the webinars was 9AM the following day, but now that is 8AM the following day.

My apologies for the late notice, but I only realized this fact just now.

Power Networking Module #07

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #07

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring
Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. And the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinar to be held every Tuesday evening (EST). I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule for the next two weeks is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

Say yes to success!

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