Monday, March 15, 2010

MX7 Charter Members Earnings Paid


“Charter Members Pool” & “MX3 Re-Fund Pool” earnings paid on March 10 & 11

The “Charter Members Pool” for February 2010 totaled US$1,224 and was paid out in full on March 10 to the 49 Charter Members who between them own all 100 shares. Earnings were US$12.24 per share.

On the following day, March 11, the “MX3 Re-Fund Pool” for February 2010, which totaled USD368, was paid out to the 115 purchasers of the original MVP2010 program. Payouts were US$3.20 per member.

Observations from a concerned Charter Member:


I understand that you do not want to be seen as blackmailing non-active CMs. But even the least active CM understands that if MX7 should fail for any reason whatsoever, it's not only goodbye to their investment, but it's goodbye to all prospect of any future income.

It's in the best interest of ALL CMs that MX7 continues to grow and flourish and obviously the quicker the growth, the Bigger Pot there will be at each month end to share.

I suggest you tell it as it is... acknowledge/recognize that some CMs invested in MX7 purely for the monthly return. Then point out that whilst you respect their reason for remaining inactive, for the next two months you would greatly appreciate their attending at least one webinar per week, thereby adding moral support to your and others efforts to build the business as fast as possible, which after all is in every subscribers, every CMs best interest.

The reason you need them to attend, is because their name shows as an attendee and with newcomers logged in, the more attendee names that appear the better for the inviter and the CMs alike.

I trust my observations help.

Many of our MX7 members have not yet “Upgraded” by making their new subscription
… March 19 is the FINAL date to pay!

All paid subscribers to the original MX7 with its 7 pay plans (some 300+ members) were pre-encoded into the new single pay plan MX7 on February 20.

Please note that these members (those who have not yet paid) only have until March 19 to “upgrade” by paying their March 2010 subscription fee of USD30.

***March 19 is this Friday!

The “upgrade” process is simple indeed:

>>> Go to any MX7 website and click on the MEMBERS AREA icon.

>>> Input your USERNAME.

>>> Input your PASSWORD (changed to “password” temporarily).

>>> Click on the “Upgrade” link in the User Control Panel.

Those members that do not renew their subscription with MX7 by March 19 will be deleted from the system after March 19 and will lose all rights to their position in the genealogy forever.

So we hope you upgrade by March 19 and journey with us to success these next ten years.

Power Networking Module #06

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #06

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring
Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. And the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinar to be held every Tuesday evening (EST). I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule for the next two weeks is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

Say yes to success!

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