Monday, March 8, 2010

Valuable Input From Some Of Our MX7 Members

On a regular basis, many of our MX7 members send me suggestions via email. Today’s newsletter will feature several of the latest suggestions as these can benefit all of us at MX7.

Eve Dumas…

Eve Dumas at her home office in Mesa, Arizona
earning money online with MX7 and having fun

From Eve Dumas, Mesa, Arizona:

I have been scouring the internet these past several weeks looking for effective online marketing methods. Amongst some that look good I found this one that caught my attention because it's the only one I've seen of its kind. It's similar to PPC advertising but with a big difference (read their website for details).

If money is tight and you'd like to advertise and/or build your list for free then take a look at their chart to see how to grow your list. If everyone referred 4 free members in 24 hours you'd have over one million people to advertise to in just 10 days. Take a good look and see the difference. Join for free and get your 4 referrals asap!

Elijah Brown…

Elijah Brown…
earning money online with MX7 and having fun

From Elijah Brown, South Carolina:

Hello James. When we have our MX7 webinars, I believe that every Charter Member should be on at least 2 webinars per month whether they are in the business or not and still tell people about MX7 because they have so much to gain, that way they can give their input. The way I look at it, MX7 is just as much my company as every Charter Member and if you believe in the company and what it stands for then we all need to build it just like it's our own and not just sit on the side line and wait for someone else to build it. Because the faster we build it the more money we all make.

So to all Charter Members, let's build MX7 into an empire, so that 2 to 3 years from now, we can have our own MX7 Charter Members cruise. James I already see it in our future and I'm excited about it. And all expenses will be paid from our Charter Membership --- WOW!

Peter Shanks…

Peter Shanks at his home in the Philippines
earning money online with MX7 and having fun

From Peter Shanks, Philippines:

I believe it would help build your reputation and spread knowledge of your works, especially in North America, if once a week you conducted a one hour empowering Q&A motivational coaching webinar.

Having met Patrick Combs at Wealth Masters San Diego conference a couple of years ago, myself and others paid him US$225.00 for 12 months coaching.

Once a month Patrick conducted a one hour conference call, which often lasted ninety minutes. He opened with an inspired story, usually about himself or somebody very famous, then he suggested we email our questions, which he then talked about in turn... Questions such as, I'm fat lazy and tired all the time. How do I motivate myself to get started each morning?

I'm not sure about the other three weeks each month, but I seem to remember he sent a weekly email with a link to a 15 minute recorded message.

Upon reflection it was not a super deal, but at the time I looked forward to the monthly Q&A call, so I did not feel short changed.

Live Empowerment Coaching With James

Taking that suggestion from Peter and acting upon it, the first live empowerment coaching webinar hosted by me will be Tuesday March 16 at 8PM (EST). Then I will conduct one per week for the benefit of our MX7 members.

Tuesday March 16 at 8pm (EST)
Reserve your online webinar seat with James

Power Networking Module #04

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #04

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring
Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars held twice each week, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. And the brand new EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinar to be held every Tuesday evening (EST). I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule for the next two weeks is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

Say yes to success!

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