Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New MX1 and MX3 To Be Feeder Programs of The New MX7


New versions of the MX1 and MX3 businesses
will be launched as ‘feeder programs’ of MX7
to make a trio of life changing programs.

Incredible as it sounds, you will soon have the choice of THREE new MX businesses to join. All three of them will be pre-launched during the next week and all three of them will officially launch at 0:00:01AM APRIL 7, 2010 (EST).

All of the existing members of MX1-MX3-MX7 can join any or all of these three businesses during the pre-launch period.

Many of our previous MX1-MX3-MX7 members have been begging me to introduce a low-cost one-time matrix feeder program, so here you are guys and gals with two lucrative and easily affordable programs to choose from.

The sole intent of these two new feeder programs is to INCREASE THE MEMBERSHIP of MX7 as time goes by. And by being extremely clever, modesty aside, you will see that MX1 and MX3 offer such compelling reasons for their members to also join MX7 --- and sooner rather than later too.

Also, I would like to make it clear here that the Charter Members will receive their 10% share of the gross fee revenue pool for both MX1 and MX3 programs as well as MX7 of course.

In my next newsletter, to be sent around April 1, you will receive more details about these two feeder programs and by that date the two new websites should also be online for you to get even more information so that you can get your contacts excited to join MX1 and MX3 on the April 7 official launch date:

>>> MX1 --- this is a ONE-TIME PAYMENT feeder program for MX7. This is a simple 2x20 forced matrix that only costs USD7 just one time to enter. The product is a package of 100 MILLIONIZER videos sent via autoresponder email during a 100 day period. ***Please note that we are using the 100 videos that were created last year for MX1 and which feature the “MX1 COPYRIGHT” intros and endings --- so the videos say MX1 and this business is MX1, so that’s perfect. These videos are the identical ones being sent to our members from January 1 to April 6 this year. So in effect we have a new program that recycles them so that more and more people can enjoy them for just USD7 one-time membership fee. Ingenious indeed.

>>> MX3 --- this is a ONE-TIME PAYMENT feeder program for MX7. This is a basic 3x10 forced matrix that only costs only USD3 just one time to enter. The product is the 90 DAY CHARGE program which is the introductory program to the MVP2010 sent via autoresponder email during a 90 day period. ***Please note that until now this program has pretty much lain idle though it has been available for free for those people that knew about it. It is now being revamped and will sell for just USD3 for a program which is massively empowering and lasts a full ninety days.

>>> MX7 --- this is our Rolls Royce 5x7 forced matrix recurring monthly USD30 subscription program that members from the new MX1 and MX3 programs can upgrade to after experiencing first hand (at such inexpensive entry fee levels) the high value of the MX products and the substantial income opportunities available with our business. Not to mention they will also experience our excellent customer service and communication skills. Plus the ease of using our back office systems. Not to mention the INSTANT PAYOUTS that all three of these businesses will pay (though AlertPay enforce a USD1 minimum payment per transaction, so our minimum commission payout will also be USD1 which will automatically payout as soon as a member’s account reaches that amount). ***Please note that from the April 7 launch date of the new MX7, all of the daily MILLIONIZERS feature brand-new never-before-seen videos with the “MX7 COPYRIGHT” intros and endings.

When joining all three MX1-MX3-MX7 programs please follow the “HONOR SYSTEM” as far as possible and ensure you join under your original MX1-MX3-MX7 sponsor. If your particular sponsor is not inclined to join any of the new pay plans then still do your best to re-join in the same line of genealogy if at all possible.

We are transitioning to a newer, larger, more powerful DEDICATED SERVER during this week

I have decided to take this period of transition to upgrade to a newer, larger capacity, more powerful dedicated server that will host all three of the MX1-MX3-MX7 programs. So, this week, the new MX7 website will be down for a few hours one day while it transitions to the new server. I am not sure which day, but hopefully before our intended pre-launch date of April 1. If we are a day or so late pre-launching MX7 (and MX1 and MX3) then this really doesn’t matter as the previous MX1-MX3-MX7 members will still have plenty of time to join before the April 7 official launch date. Though we are doing our best to pre-launch all on April 1.

Power Networking Module #11

Here is the next of our 76 POWER NETWORKING MODULES which are designed to empower you as well as give you valuable network marketing training and knowledge.

Power Networking Module #11

Click the above link to download today’s empowering module.

Come Join Our Inspiring

Live MX7 Webinars

Remember to invite lots and lots of your prospects to my live webinars, especially the lively and spontaneous QUESTIONS & ANSWERS webinar which is lots of fun for the attendees and very informative too. Plus the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and the EMPOWERMENT COACHING webinars. I am conducting these webinars for YOUR benefit. The webinar schedule is also posted on the News page of the MX7 website.

Say yes to success!

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